Friday, March 26, 2010

Killer KitKat Greenpeace (The only honest organization)

Nestlé, maker of Kit Kat, uses palm oil from companies that are trashing Indonesian

rainforests, threatening the livelihoods of local people and pushing orang-utans

towards extinction.

We all deserve to have a break - but having one shouldn't involve taking a bite out

of Indonesia's precious rainforests. We're asking Nestlé to give rainforests and

orang-utans a break and stop buying palm oil from destroyed forests

My Opinion : Neslte Must understand that in order to keep the company's reputation

it should take a step back and think for a second that if it destroys every forest

first of all every acre is oxygen to 18 people daily. SO, Give the orang-utan a

break! Stop Nestle using palm oil from destroyed rainforests !!!!!

My advice : Stop Buying Kitkat...Its fuckin bad for the health anyways..? N'est ce




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